Ennis Gündoğan [eˈnis gyndoaːn]

studied IT Management (M.Sc.) & Business Information Systems (B.Sc.), vocational education to Digital Media Designer, realizing software projects within the framework of desktop publishing automation, father, book reader, jogger, chess and retro games player

Research & Publications

Robotic Process Automation in Desktop Publishing: An Introduction to Software-based Automation of Artwork Processes

Robotic Process Automation in Desktop Publishing:
An Introduction to Software-based Automation of Artwork Processes (2022)

My first book on the subject of DTP automation, which not only summarizes the technical possibilities, but also gives advices on how to deal with the transformation from manual processes to automation in an organization from a management point of view. The book first introduces the reader to the topics of desktop publishing and automation, and shows in the main part technical possibilities for the realization of DTP automations.

Language: English
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 978-3658-39375-5

Buy as print/eBook at SpringerLink
Buy as print/eBook at Amazon

Robotic Process Automation im Desktop-Publishing: Eine Einführung in softwaregestützte Automatisierung von Artwork-Prozessen

Robotic Process Automation im Desktop-Publishing:
Eine Einführung in softwaregestützte Automatisierung von Artwork-Prozessen (2022)

Mein erstes Buch zum Thema DTP-Automatisierung, welches nicht nur die technischen Möglichkeiten zusammenfasst, sondern auch Hinweise gibt, wie man aus Management-Sicht in einer Organisation mit der Transformation von manuellen Prozessen hin zur Automatisierung umgehen kann. Das Buch führt den Leser zunächst in die Themen Desktop-Publishing und Automatisierung ein und zeigt im Hauptteil technische Möglichkeiten zur Realisierung von DTP-Automatismen auf.

Sprache: Deutsch
Verlag: Springer Vieweg
ISBN: 978-3-658-37136-4

Als Print/eBook bei SpringerLink kaufen
Als Print/eBook bei Amazon kaufen

Automation in Desktop Publishing: Empirical Survey (2021)

Automation in Desktop Publishing: Empirical Survey (2021)

As part of my bachelor thesis, I examined different sub-areas around the topic of automation in desktop publishing. For the empirical part of the work, I ran a survey with members of the Adobe Developers Community to review various research questions and measure personal attitudes to several DTP automation topics.

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